Sunday, April 23, 2006

part 2...DC

On to DC... I think I spoke to soon, looks like we brought the rain with us, but unlike in England, the April showers here are what you expect them to be - a mild relief from the humidity and not the spitting kind of rain we get back in London...Enjoying hanging out with Hira in DC, good to catch up and generally drink umpteen cups of tea...and eat American food, plan is to get OBEZE (as M puts it) by the time we leave, which makes me think that the getting healthy plan for COLOMBO is going to be all the harder. M is keeping us entertained by spending most of his time chasing dell for a laptop.

Also watched INSIDE MAN, missed the start as was too busy wondering why they were playing chaiyya chaiyya during the credits, pretty impressive that Bollywood has made it into mainstream hollywood!

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