Saturday, May 27, 2006

Goodbye London....

I still can't believe that after just over a decade, my tryst with London will be over! It will always remain very close to my heart, as this is where I've spent the most memorable part of my life thus far, and it also holds so many special memories, from my days at the LSE, meeting all those new friends, who have now become life-long buddies, and of course, meeting M, my first (and only job) at GS, getting married, etc, etc.

The last four years have been especially fun as my li'l sister has also been in London and that has meant that I've always had at least one semi-permanent house-guest and also lots of fun hanging out!

So this last week in London has been fairly hectic packing up and moving out of our lovely home. As well as catching up with as many of my friends as was physically possible, including attending Moody & Jyoti's wedding, which was cool cos I got to hang out with my Bankside buddies, that's the thing with your university friends, they really make you feel 21 again! I guess that's one advantage of marrying your college sweetheart ;-) - we never quite feel old!

So with tears in our eyes we bid a fond adieu to London - take care of it, it's a beautiful place on the days it's sunny!

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